How does it feel to be the sun,
To shine your rays on everyone.
When a dark cloud gets in your way,
Do you sulk and shout,
“You’re ruining my day!”
Or do you patiently focus on the good, Accepting that all not need be understood.
This too shall pass, you shall persevere,
Shine on with confidence,
A dose of self care.
There is always a blessing to be found,
If you take the time to look around.
Notes of morning gratitude said,
Flip darkness around on it’s head.
G-D’s lovingkindness is a gift to you.
Fill you reserves, yes, please do.
Open your heart, let it pour in, overflow.
Treat yourself gently, wherever you go.
For if you don’t allow your own spirit to shine,
What will be left of mine?
~ LL