Hiiiii!!!! It's been a while, I know... I hope all's great by you, and that you're doing whatever it is that keeps your spirits up, especially during these times. I have lots of family in Israel, and so my heart is there, too. I keep praying - and focusing on all the good that is being done - not out of denial - not at all! But more out of the belief that light dispels darkness.
And on that note I will keep this light - and catch you up on a bit of what I've been doing to keep my spirits afloat creatively :)
Drumroll... I decided I would start painting again - on canvas!Â
But what to paint?? As soon as I asked myself it came to me - Nishmas! I would draw inspiration (pardon the pun!) from the beautiful Hebrew prayer of Nishmas, one of immense gratitude and praise of our Creator. Because honestly, that is the way I get through - by focusing on gratitude - through prayer, writing and connection - to The One Above - and to each other.Â
I was kind of familiar with this prayer, but it wasn't until my daughter-in-law, Shayna, gifted me with a beautiful pocket-sized prayer card from Charlene and Jonathan Aminoff, featuring the Nishmas prayer, that I truly became emotionally attached to it.
So, when I started to paint, I literally did so with gratitude in my heart. Which brings me to say - thanks again soooooo much - for hopping on and reading! I cannot tell you how much it feeds my soul to share my musings this with you. Not to be cliché, but, seriously - life is better together!
I also decided that I need support on this new commitment of mine - to follow through with sticking to my art practice and to keep sharing it. I have a tendency to draw inwards sometimes - much as some have a hard time believing it - yes, I really am an introvert!! (There's a great book on that - Quiet by Susan Cain and The Highly Sensitive Person by Dr. Elaine N. Aaon.)
And so, I decided to join The Artist Incubator Coaching Program by Miriam Shulman. She's good! It was in large part to the accountability factor in the program that I completed the undercoating (foundation layer) of my Nishmas inspired painting last week - here's a sneak peek:
 Ahhh...!! In the past I wouldn't have had anyone look at it until it was done, so view it as you would an egg before it's hatched - it's in newbie stage. I plan to add in another layer and details next week... stay tuned ;)
The goal is it let it go to a loving home after it's complete, to someone who'd like it for themselves or as a gift. Ahhhh!!! I never did that before either. This coaching program is really getting me to get comfortable with being uncomfortable! ;)
Yes, I've had many mural commissions, (remember these?) but somehow letting go of a canvas feels more personal. At the same time the thought of having it grace the walls of another person's home, a friend's home especially, feels soooo special. A privilege, an honor - a joy!!!
Ok, maybe I'm celebrating prematurely, but hey, it's always good to begin with the end in mind. (Got that from Stephen Covey's The Seven Habits - It's a good one!) Hmmm, so I guess that is how I will look at it going forward - because even if it ends up being owned by someone I don't yet know, hey, a stranger today can be a friend tomorrow.Â
Oh wow, my coffee got cold - all good, I'll pour another - or maybe it's tea-time... There is so much more I want to share, but hey, that will turn into a book before ya' know it. Instead I hope to write more often.
In the meantime, keep holding onto hope and trust - and keep adding light to your day. Speaking of which - what do you do to keep your spirits up, these days?
Let me know - I'm always open (and looking for) new ideas.Â
Stay uplifted!
B'ahava, with love and balloons filled with blessings,
P.S. To see the real raw beginnings of this painting, here's a fun time lapse of the initial drawing done in digital. It's pretty cool to watch if I may so myself. Enjoy! Hugs!!!Â
Gotta give credit where credit is due :)Thank you to the following photographers:Sun Photo Photo by HUDSON | @regele on Unsplash ÂCoffee Photo by Matt Hoffman on Unsplash