Hello there, sweet soul,
This year, I decided to step out into unknown territory (for me) and create a monthly newsletter. It's a commitment that feels joyous and light, and yet, having gone through enough of life's unexpected moments, it is one I did not step into lightly.
Ahhh?! Once a month? Another "commitment???" Will I stick to it? What if, what if, what if...
To all the voices in my head, I said, SHUSH!! I can do this! I want to! It will be fun!
Still, putting myself "out there," especially this year, when I am experimenting and exploring with ways to fully connect to my creative essence - feels a bit raw, and yet, there is this strong sense of purpose inside - I feel others might appreciate me sharing my ride, and to be completely open - I'm craving some company by my side. Living a creative life can be isolating at times, and so, in sharing my journey forward, it makes it feel so much more meaningful. But, enough about me, let's see if my newsletter sounds like it would be of value to YOU!
To start, let's see if we happen to share similar interests. Does any of the following resonate with you?
You consider yourself creative or wish you could connect with the creative part of yourself. You put thought into pursuing your purpose/ living your calling (or are in the midst of figuring that part out - aren't we all?), and have strong values around spirituality, family, joy, positivity.
You enjoy museums, flea markets, bookstores and cafes - or two out of the four. Reading is relaxation for you, and you love journaling - or are open to trying it someday. You cherish alone time as well as time with family and friends. You appreciate all of G♡D's creations, enjoy nature, and possibly had or have a pet, or many, or wish you could. You love life, and yet feel that you want to infuse more happiness and spontaneity into yours. If a lot of this resonates with you, then I think you will love my newsletter :)
You think so, too? Woo-Hoo!
► Totally! I'm in!
To each of you who has already joined - thank you! It feels like the biggest hug, and I'm hugging you back - and holding your hands as we jump up and down with joy, celebrating the journey ahead, not fully knowing what it looks like but glad to be connected regardless. I can't tell you what it means to have you with me, but I can try.
Consider my sharing via my email-newsletter posts as us having "cawfee-talk", or tea if that's your pleasure. Know that there definitely will be coffee in my butterfly mug as I write you. For me, coffee as well as creating art and writing, has always been about connection, with G♡d, myself, and others. Even though my journaling and my "MP's" (see note, below) is a very personal process, often what I explore on paper leads to ultimately stronger sweeter connections in my life.
In the years when I used to create murals, it was also about sharing, as I used my G♡d given talent to add joy and delight. Oh, how I cherish the memory of the unveiling of a mural I painted in a school - the reaction of the students was priceless! Yes, for me art always ends up being about connection. At first with my Creator and myself, and then that flows into in the sharing of it with others - and with you - that is the sweetest icing on my cake. Which, I may as well ask - did you try the Song Cake in my For the Love of Shabbos e-book? It's Yum!!
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash
With that said, the following is an idea of the goodness I plan to share within my monthly newsletter:
1. An overview of creative courses I take and resources I stumble upon and explore, as well as books I read and any insights I feel you might enjoy.
It seems that lately I'm discovering something new every other day in the realm of creativity, specifically in the area of digital art and surface pattern design - the art that gets applied to fabric, wallpaper, journals, greeting cards, and so much more.
With books, too, I seem to come across one gem after another. Lately it's in the genre creativity, art, and the business side of art, and though I don't gobble up as many self-help books as I used to in my coach training days, it is a genre that is close to my heart, and if a book comes highly recommended, I definitely plan to share it with you.

2. An insider peek of what I might be creating / working on that month.
This will most likely evolve over time, as there are a number of things that I had set aside and hope to complete this year - one of those being a self-improvement book that I've been working on for ages. I completed the first draft - YAY!!
I also plan to share about my visits to a glass studio to create coasters of some of my digital drawings, as well as about the clay sculptures I'm playing with, a coloring book idea, the drawings I have dreams of transforming into art prints and scarves to sell on my shop that has yet to come into existence, and yes, at some point this year I hope to actually paint on canvas again. Ahhhh!!!! I'm so excited, can you tell?!
3. My "Artist's Dates"
Forgive the title, the rendezvous is for a party of one. Solo as they are, and must be, I aim to share my experiences with you after I take them! Simply writing this sentence has me itching to plan my next one. Perhaps I might start a Facebook group, where we can all share about our weekly "selfie-dates" and keep each other motivated to actually take them! (see more on artist's dates in the note below)
4. Random goodness!
Anything that I might find inspiring or interesting enough to share. This may include my recent unboxing of my VR (Virtual Reality) headset and the Wander app I had installed - leading me to be instantly transported to Israel, Morocco, Italy and France. Who knows where I shall travel to next ;)
5. Freebies - Coloring pages!
Each month I intend to unleash a new calming coloring page and share it with you as a free printable. These are great for connecting with your own creative center, your core essence, and there are studies that link to the tremendous well-being benefits of mindful coloring. The printables will be for newsletter subscribers only. I may eventually turn them into a coloring book after 12 months, or perhaps a calendar might be fun - however, you get your hands on them first - for free! Plus, I will be taking requests on theme ideas before I create the coloring pages, so join and stay tuned. The next one I create might be yours!
Ooh, this sounds fun!

It's my way of showing my appreciation and sharing the joy with you!
PLUS: An exclusive first peek into artful items I plan to offer on my future online shop.That's right! I intend to make my dreams a reality, and bring a number of ideas I have to life, with G♡D's help. I can't wait to share them with the world, by way of originally designs on products for the heart and home. Many of these ideas are yet in the sketch phase, some further than others, but I feel that sharing this with you here is all the accountability I need - will you be my accountability partner?
So... Interested? Curious? C'mon, join my free monthly newsletter and take this creative journey with me. Who knows, there may be something I come across or explore at some point that can add splashes of color to your dreams, too.
Yup! Send me some FunShine!
With love, light, and balloons filled with blessings,
Note: Morning Pages and Artist's Dates are two key exercises from Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way. If you ask me for "the book" to help you reconnect you with your creative essence this is it!!